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  1. Course

    iXR Allura Cardiac Essentials 20 hrs. Offsite

    This 2.5 day course is made up of didactic lectures conducted in a dynamic classroom setting as well as interactive hands-on training on a fully operational FD system with imaging performed on phantoms. The course topics covered include, but are not limited to, procedure workflow, such as...

    • Instructor-led

  2. Course

    iXR Allura Essentials 28 hrs. Offsite

    Didactic lectures conducted in a dynamic classroom setting and interactive hands-on training on a fully-operational FD system with imaging performed on phantoms. The course topics covered include, but are not limited to, procedure workflow, such as patient scheduling, image acquisition, post...

    • Instructor-led

  3. Course

    IXR Physician's OffSite Education Package

    This is strictly a hands-on education session done on a fully functional FD system using phantoms to image and post-process. The training day (up to 8hrs) is based around the physicians educational training needs and can cover the Allura FD System, the Interventional Tools workstation (3D...

    • Instructor-led

  4. Course

    iXR Add OnSite Clin Educ 08h (Customized Education - 8 hrs)

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facilities requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable with the basic functioning...

    • Instructor-led

  5. Course

    iXR Add OnSite Clin Educ 16h (Customized Education - 16 hrs)

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Continuing Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable with the basic functioning...

    • Instructor-led

  6. Course

    iXR Add OnSite Clin Educ 24h (Customized Education - 24 hrs)

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Continuing Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable with the basic functioning...

    • Instructor-led

  7. Course

    iXR EP Navigator Essentials 20 hr. Offsite

    Overview training of the Allura FD system including patient scheduling, workflow, radiation safety and system buttonology will be given. Workflow steps for proper use of the EP Navigator workstation, and 3D ATG will be domonstrated. Individual EP Navigator workstations are provided for this...

    • Instructor-led

  8. Course

    IXR Additional Training Onsite

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education (8,16, 24, or 28 hours) should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable...

    • Instructor-led

  9. Course

    iXR Customized Education

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will deliver customized education for up to 4 students. This course covers basic or advanced application topics - customized by your site.

    • Instructor-led

  10. Course

    IRM CARDIAQUEThéorie et pratique sur console depost-traitement Philips en IRM Cardiaque

    Théorie et pratique sur console de post-traitement Philips en IRM Cardiaque.

    Cours théorique

    • Rappels sur l’anatomie cardiaque et la place de l’IRM.
    • Séquences utilisées en IRM cardiaque.
    • IRM morphologique.
    • IRM ciné.
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  11. Course

    CardioMD Initial Training

    Philips Clinical Education Specialists will provide twenty-four (24) hours of OnSite Education for up to four (4) students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary and two physicians. The first four (4) hours onsite will be spent configuring new...

    • Instructor-led

  12. Course

    PET/CT Cardiac Training 16 Hr. Onsite

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements and cover basic or advanced application topics as determined by your site. This training course is focused on PET Cardiac training. The course covers acquisition and processing...

    • Instructor-led

  13. Course

    Philips IntelliVue Monitor Essentials


    Based on staff needs, Philips offers IntelliVue monitor courses varying in length and complexity. The Essentials Course is designed for staff new to Philips monitors, or those who need a refresher.  The course consists of lecture, demonstration and hands-on lab work using your equipment, and is...

    • Instructor-led

  14. Course

    Philips IntelliVue Monitor Advanced


    Based on staff needs, Philips offers IntelliVue monitor courses varying in length and complexity. More complex concepts and applications are reviewed in the Advanced Course. The education consists of lecture, demonstration and hands-on lab work using your equipment, and is held during flexible...

    • Instructor-led

  15. Course

    IntelliVue Information Center Essentials


    Based on staff needs, Philips offers IntelliVue Information Center courses varying in length and complexity. The Essentials class is designed for staff new to the Philips IntelliVue Information Center, or those who need a refresher.  The education consists of lecture, demonstration and hands-on...

    • Instructor-led

  16. Course

    IntelliVue Information Center Advanced


    Based on staff needs, Philips offers IntelliVue Information Center courses varying in length and complexity. More complex concepts and applications are reviewed in the advanced class. The education consists of lecture, demonstration and hands-on lab work, using your equipment, and is held during...

    • Instructor-led

  17. Course

    iXR One Day Workshop 8hr. Offsite

    This course will cover basic and advanced training on Allura Xper system components, workflow demonstrations, and image processing.
    During this workshop:

    • We will provide Cardiac Cath, Interventional Radiology, E.P., or O.R. staff with an understanding of the
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  18. Course

    Allura Xper FD10/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  19. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  20. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/20 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  21. Course

    EPIQ 3D University Essentials Congenital Edition


    This two-day course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Live 3D echocardiography for physicians and cardiac sonographers who are new 3D users.

    This course provides a spectrum of situations both physicians and sonographers can use and reference. By increasing familiarity with...

    • Instructor-led

  22. Course

    Advanced System Training Cardiovascular 2D and Live 3D EPIQ


    Advanced System Training (AST) courses are designed to educate customers on the leading-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following your onsite installation training, the intensive AST serves to expand and deepen your knowledge.

    EPIQ uses nSight imaging and...

    • Instructor-led

  23. Course

    Cardiac Clinical 3-Day with iPatient Scanners Course

    This course delivers a dynamic educational experience that not only builds on your system knowledge, but helps you retain it. This onsite interactive session intends to assist you in cardiac imaging at your facility. Your applications specialist will work with your clinical team to review and...

    • Instructor-led

  24. Course

    Advanced Perioperative 3D TEE - Ao/Pul/Tri Valve


    Educational material will be presented in the form of lectures, case presentations, and informal discussions that together will provide a comprehensive review of how perioperative TEE can be used in patients undergoing valve repair and replacement to guide surgical decision-making preoperatively...

    • Instructor-led

  25. Course

    Advanced System Training - Cardiac 2D EPIQ


    Advanced System Training (AST) courses educate customers on cutting-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following onsite installation, the intensive AST program deepens your knowledge. With EPIQ’s nSight Plus imaging and AI, AST courses show you how to apply the technology...

    • Instructor-led

  26. Course

    Advanced System Training - Live 3D EPIQ


    Advanced System Training (AST) courses educate customers on cutting-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following onsite installation, the intensive AST program will deepen your knowledge. This class is an introduction to xMatrix technology and functionality on the EPIQ...

    • Instructor-led

  27. Course

    All Hands on Structural Heart I: The Left Side


    This one-day course is led by advanced cardiac imaging specialist Rick Meece, ACS RDCS RCIS FASE. The course content is fully focused on advanced hands-on technical training using pathology-based case examples
    regarding the left ventricle, left atrium, mitral and aortic valve disease and...

    • Instructor-led

  28. Course

    All Hands on Structural Heart II: The Right Side


    This one-day course is led by advanced cardiac imaging specialist Rick Meece, ACS RDCS RCIS FASE. The course content is fully focused towards advanced hands-on technical training using pathology based case examples regarding evaluation of the right ventricle, right atrium and cava, inter-atrial...

    • Instructor-led

  29. Course

    Mitral Valve Imaging


    This one-day course is designed to provide heart surgeons, interventional cardiologists, non-interventional cardiologists, cardiac anesthesiologists, and cardiac sonographers with the fundamental skills required to obtain and analyze high-quality Live 3D TEE images. The course focuses on image...

    • Instructor-led

  30. Course

    Perioperative 3D TEE


    Live 3D TEE provides cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and cardiac surgeons with innovative, inspiring, and realistic views to aid patient care. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the practical applications of this novel technology in the perioperative environment.  This ...

    • Instructor-led

  31. Course

    IntelliSpace Cardiovascular Key User Course (In-Person)



    This instructor-led course, held at the Philips Training Center in Cleveland (Ohio), is aimed for Key Users that support the organization with the implementation of IntelliSpace Cardiovascular. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required for a successful...

    • Instructor-led