Healthcare Continuing Education

Experience learning at your convenience

Philips Learning Connection is where can you find and experience healthcare education at your convenience. We offer 1,700+ continuing medical and healthcare education and medical CE learning activities for nurses, radiologic technologists, sonographers, and other healthcare professionals. Join over 700,000 healthcare professionals who are actively participating in online CME to meet their educational requirements.

Select from the following healthcare profession listings to learn more.

Biomedical Engineers

All classes, including virtual, focus on real-world system maintenance using live systems and are conducted by industry-leading instructors.

Dental Professionals

Continuing medical education for dentists, dental hygienists.

Nuclear Medicine Technologists

CE for Nuclear Medicine Technologists / PET.


Discover over 150 accredited nursing medical CE courses.


Clinically grounded courses and programs based on real-world cases.

Radiologic Technologists

Category A or Category A+ CE for radiologic technologists.

Respiratory Therapists

Sleep and Respiratory Care education related to hospital and home ventilation, airway clearance, respiratory drug delivery and sleep diagnostics.


Ultrasound education for OB, CV, Echo, Abdominal.