What you will learn

Course description: 

Live 3D TEE provides cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and cardiac surgeons with innovative, inspiring, and realistic views to aid patient care. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the practical applications of this novel technology in the perioperative environment.  This course will provide anesthesiologists, cardiologists, and cardiac sonographers with the fundamental skills to obtain high-quality, Live 3D TEE images and the confidence to immediately incorporate Live 3D TEE into their practice.

Stanton K. Shernan, MD, FAHA, FASE, will teach this one-day course. Educational material will be presented in the form of lectures, case presentations, and informal discussions, which together will provide a comprehensive review of the fundamentals of intraoperative Live 3D TEE image acquisition and its practical clinical utility. Participants on optimizing acquisition, manipulation, cropping, and quantification of Live 3D TEE datasets. Students will have ample opportunity to develop hands-on experience.

This course does not provide system control training. For system instrumentation in Live 3D, we recommend the Advanced Customer System Cardiovascular Live 3D course.

Prerequisite skills: A thorough knowledge and understanding of all system instrumentation and 2D TEE is required for this program. It is also helpful to have an understanding of transthoracic 3D imaging.



Course objectives: 

Upon successful completion of this program, attendees should:

  • Understand how to optimize Live 3D TEE displays
  • Recognize standard Live 3D TEE images using a fully sampled matrix array probe
  • Acquire practical interpretations of left ventricular and mitral valve geometry and function, crop and perform volumetric quantitative analyses on 3D TEE datasets
  • Understand the uses and limitations of current Live 3D TEE technology
  • Understand how to integrate intraoperative Live 3D TEE imaging into clinical practice
  • Be confident analyzing 3D datasets (e.g., measuring structures and using the mitral valve quantification tools)


Course details

Course Code: 


Delivery method: 

  • Instructor-led


  • English


1 Day

Course instructor(s) : 

Stanton K. Shernan, MD, FAHA, FASE
Philips Instructor

Course disclaimer: 

The content is for information and education only. The content is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please see the full terms of use for this content and this website.

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