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  1. Course

    4 Dimensional CT

    This training is intended to provide knowledge on 4D CT including benefits, scan modes, and data acquisition and reconstruction. It also covers data used in radiation therapy treatment planning.

  2. Course

    Anatomia Cardiaca per TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza in tema di anatomia cardiaca.

    • eLearning

  3. Course

    Anatomie Cardiaque TDM

    Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur les quatre cavités du cœur, les valves du cœur, les principales artères et branches coronaires et les variantes normales.

    Il s'agit d'un cours d'apprentissage en ligne qui comprend une activité d'apprentissage interactive en...

    • eLearning

  4. Course

    Anatomía cardíaca en TC

    Este entrenamiento está diseñado para aumentar su conocimiento de las 4 cámaras del corazón, las válvulas del corazón, las arterias coronarias principales y sus ramas y variantes normales.

    Este es un curso de aprendizaje en línea que incluye actividades interactivas que tienen la...

    • eLearning

  5. Course

    AngioTC Aorta Abdominal

    Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar sus conocimientos de exámenes de AngioTC abdominal incluyendo: indicaciones, anatomía, opciones de tiempo de contraste, parámetros de escaneo, flujo de trabajo y postprocesamiento.

    • eLearning

  6. Course

    AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis

    Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento de los exámenes de AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis.

    Este curso consta de instrucciones y entrenamiento interactivo asociado con exámenes de AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis.

    • eLearning

  7. Course

    AngioTC de Tórax

    Esta capacitación tiene como objetivo presentar los conceptos básicos del examen AngioTC de Toráx para Embolia Pulmonar (PE), especialmente para los exámenes EP ATC, incluidos los síntomas, indicaciones, flujo de trabajo y protocolos al realizar exploraciones AngioTC de Toráx para Embolia...

    • eLearning

  8. Course

    Artefactos de TAC: Reconocimiento y Prevención

    Esta formación tiene por objeto aumentar sus conocimientos sobre el reconocimiento deartefactos de TAC y la forma en que son minimizados por el software del sistema o por el operador.

    Se trata de una experiencia educativa dinámica que refuerza sus conocimientos sobre el reconocimiento y...

    • eLearning

  9. Course

    Artefacts TDM: Reconnaissance et évitement

    Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur la reconnaissance des artefacts CT et sur la manière dont ils sont minimisés par le logiciel système ou par l'opérateur.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos connaissances en matière de...

    • eLearning

  10. Course

    Base de la Reconstruction en TDM

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances de la chaîne d'imagerie, de la génération des rayons X à la création de l'image, et de la reconstruction avancée telle que iDose, IMR et l'imagerie spectrale.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos...

    • eLearning

  11. Course

    Basi Cardio per TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione cardiaca associata agli scanner iPatient.

    • eLearning

  12. Course

    Calcium Scoring per TC

    Il Calcium Scoring è un esame TC utilizzato per rilevare i depositi di calcio nelle arterie coronarie e aiuta a valutare il rischio di malattia coronarica.

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione e della post-elaborazione del punteggio del calcio associata agli...

    • eLearning

  13. Course

    Consideraciones sobre el diagnóstico por imagen pediátrica con TAC

    Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento de los temas de interés al realizar tomografías computarizadas pediátricas.

    Esta es una experiencia educativa dinámica que desarrolla su conocimiento de tomografía computarizada pediátrica y lo ayuda a retenerlo. Durante este...

    • eLearning

  14. Course

    Considerazioni sull'Imaging Pediatrico TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza in relazione all'esecuzione di scansioni TC pediatriche.

    Questa è un'esperienza educativa dinamica che ti aiuta ad apprendere le nozioni sulla scansione TC pediatrica.

    • eLearning

  15. Course

    Considérations sur l'Imagerie Pédiatrique TDM

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances sur les sujets de préoccupation lors de la réalisation de tomographies pédiatriques.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos connaissances en tomodensitométrie pédiatrique et vous aide à les retenir.

  16. Course

    CT Artifacts: Recognition and Avoidance

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of recognizing CT artifacts and how they are minimized by system software or by the operator.

    This is a dynamic educational experience that builds your CT artifacts recognition and avoidance knowledge and helps you to retain it. During...

    • eLearning

  17. Course

    CT Brain Anatomy

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge of the anatomy of the Brain and the skull bones, facial sinuses and inner ear bone structures.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning including an interactive elearning module, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  18. Course

    CT Brain Imaging Workflow

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge on performing a CT Brain scan and explain the different types of CT scans of the head.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning including an interactive elearning module, resources, and an assessment.

    • eLearning

  19. Course

    CT Brain Perfusion Workflow

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge of the different types of strokes, risk factors, and indications of a stroke, as well as the imaging workflow from start to finish for a stroke protocol.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning...

    • eLearning

  20. Course

    CT Calcium Scoring

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of Calcium Scoring scanning and post processing associated with iPatient and Incisive scanners.

    This is a dynamic educational experience that builds your calcium scoring knowledge and helps you to retain it. During this course, we use...

    • eLearning

  21. Course

    CT Cardiac Anatomy

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of the four chambers of the heart, the valves of the heart, the Main Coronary Arteries and branches and normal variants.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and assessment intended to...

    • eLearning

  22. Course

    CT Cardiac Essentials

    This is an online learning course that includes interactive online learning activities intended to increase your knowledge of Cardiac scanning associated with iPatient scanners.

    • eLearning

  23. Course

    CT Dose Management Tools

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge of how Philips iPatient dose management tools help manage dose while achieving the preferred level of diagnostic image quality that meets the needs of your clinical institution.

    This is a dynamic educational experience that builds your...

    • eLearning

  24. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Cardiac Package

    A group of four E-learning courses that provide CT cardiac-centric clinical knowledge:

    CT Cardiac Essentials: Describes the techniques for cardiac imaging on CT scanners. Details of all the acquisition and reconstruction methods to achieve the best diagnostic image...

    • eLearning

  25. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: CTA Package

    A group of four E-learning courses that provide CT Angiography-centric clinical knowledge:

    Factors affecting CTA examinations: This training is intended to increase your knowledge of topics of concern when performing CT Angiogram (CTA) studies.

    CTA Carotid...

    • eLearning

  26. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Fundamentals Package


    A bundle of five CT clinical courses that provides a complete overview of different components of CT imaging chain and their influence of image quality, dose management tools, CT artifacts and how to minimize them and different reconstruction techniques:

    CT Parameters and their...

    • eLearning

  27. Curriculum

    CT elearning: Neuro Package

    This curriculum bundles seven CT neuro-centric clinical courses:

    • CT Brain Anatomy
    • CT Brain Imaging Workflow
    • CT Brain Perfusion Workflow
    • CT Myelography
    • CTA Carotid and COW
    • CT Spine Anatomy
    • CT Spine Imaging Workflow
    • eLearning

  28. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete cardíaco

    Un grupo de cuatro cursos de aprendizaje en línea que brindan conocimientos clínicos centrados en el corazón de la TC:

    Fundamentos  de TC Cardíaca: Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento sobre la exploración cardíaca asociada con los escáneres...

    • eLearning

  29. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete CTA

    Un grupo de cuatro cursos de aprendizaje en línea que brindan conocimientos clínicos centrados en la angiografía por tomografía computarizada:

    Factores que Afectan los Exámenes de AngioTC: Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento de los temas de interés...

    • eLearning

  30. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete espectral

    Un grupo de cuatro cursos de aprendizaje en línea que proporcionan una visión general de la física espectral, los resultados espectrales y cómo se pueden incorporar en el flujo de trabajo de diagnóstico rutinario:

    Fundamentos de TC Espectral:

    TC Espectral Cardiaca:


    • eLearning

  31. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete Fundamental

    Un paquete de cinco cursos clínicos de TC que proporciona una visión completa de los diferentes componentes de la cadena de imágenes de TC y su influencia en la calidad de la imagen, las herramientas de gestión de dosis, los artefactos de TC y cómo minimizarlos y las diferentes técnicas de...

    • eLearning

  32. Curriculum

    CT elearning: Spectral Package

    A group of four E-learning courses that provide an overview of spectral physics, spectral results, and how they can be incorporated in routine diagnostic workflow:

    Spectral CT Fundamentals: Provides a basic overview of physics of Spectral CT and reviews fundamentals...

    • eLearning

  33. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Trousse de cardiologie

    Un groupe de quatre cours d’apprentissage en ligne qui fournissent des connaissances cliniques centrées sur la tomodensitométrie cardiaque :

    L’Essentiel en Cardiologie en TDM: Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances en matière de scanner cardiaque...

    • eLearning

  34. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Forfait CTA

    Un groupe de quatre cours d’apprentissage en ligne qui fournissent des connaissances cliniques centrées sur l’angiographie par tomodensitométrie :

    Facteurs Influençants l’Angioscanner: Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances concernant les angioscanners...

    • eLearning

  35. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Forfait spectral

    Un groupe de quatre cours d’apprentissage en ligne qui donnent un aperçu de la physique spectrale, des résultats spectraux et de la façon dont ils peuvent être intégrés dans le flux de travail de diagnostic de routine :

    Spectral CT Essentiels: Ce module présente les bases...

    • eLearning

  36. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Trousse de base

    Un ensemble de cinq cours cliniques sur la tomodensitométrie qui donne un aperçu complet des différentes composantes de la chaîne d’imagerie tomodensitométrique et de leur influence sur la qualité de l’image, les outils de gestion de la dose, les artefacts de la tomodensitométrie et la façon de...

    • eLearning

  37. Course

    CT Fundamentals of Radiation Oncology/Therapy

    This training explains Radiation Oncology/Radiotherapy and the challenges associated with radiotherapy, and describes the role CT plays in radiotherapy.

    • eLearning

  38. Course

    CT Fundamentals of X-ray

    This training is designed to provide an introduction to X-rays including: X-ray fundamentals, basic X-ray principles, X-ray interactions, and X-ray quality and safety.

    • eLearning

  39. Course

    CT Guided Interventional Procedure

    This course is intended to improve your knowledge of CT Guided Interventional procedures including how to prepare patients, don sterile protection, and set up a sterile field. You will also learn about biopsy modes and percutaneous abscess drainage, and how to perform lung biopsies.


    • eLearning

  40. Course

    CT Myelography

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of basic spine anatomy, indications for CT myelograms, procedure/scanning workflow, CT scan parameters and various pathologies.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  41. Course

    CT Parameters and their effects on image quality

    This training introduces how image parameters selected in an Exam Card effect Low Contrast Resolution, Spatial Resolution, and Temporal Resolution.

    This is a dynamic educational experience that builds your CT parameters and their effects on image quality knowledge and helps you to retain...

    • eLearning

  42. Course

    CT Radiation Dose and Safety

    This course introduces basic radiation dose and safety risks and how they relate to the system part of the CT scanner. This learning activity also identifies dose influencers, dose modulation, and different reconstruction techniques.

    Within this course several types of materials are used...

    • eLearning

  43. Course

    CT Reconstruction Basics

    This is a dynamic educational experience that builds your image reconstruction knowledge and helps you to retain it. During this course, we use various methods to engage you and help you to learn about image reconstruction.

    • eLearning

  44. Course

    CT Spine Anatomy

    This course is intended to increase your spinal anatomy knowledge including vertebral bone structures and spinal ligaments. You will also learn about the muscle groups of the spine and the arteries that make up the spine and spinal cord.

    Within this course several types of materials are...

    • eLearning

  45. Course

    CT Spine Imaging Workflow

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of the CT Spine Imaging workflow, which includes different types of scan techniques, indications, technologies, and image quality assessments.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and...

    • eLearning

  46. Course

    CT Trans Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)

    This training is intended to introduce the basics of Trans Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) including an overview on how to scan prior to a TAVI procedure, how to perform TAVI measurements, and an overview of the sizing and types of valves used in TAVI and the anatomy of the aortic valve and...

    • eLearning

  47. Course

    CTA Abdominal Aorta

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of CTA Abdominal exams including indicators, anatomy, contrast timing options, scan parameters, workflow, and post processing.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  48. Course

    CTA Aorta Addominale

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza di esami addominali CTA, inclusi indicatori, anatomia, opzioni di temporizzazione del contrasto, parametri di scansione, flusso di lavoro e post-elaborazione.

    • eLearning

  49. Course

    CTA Aorte Abdominale

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances des angioscanners abdominaux, notamment les indications, l'anatomie, les options de temps de contraste, les paramètres de d’acquisition, le flux de travail et le post-traitement.

    • eLearning

  50. Course

    CTA Carotid and COW

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of CTA Carotid and Circle of Willis (COW) examinations, and to provide more hands-on training.

    The course consists of instruction and interactive training associated with CTA Carotid and COW examinations. Within this course several...