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  1. Course

    Auto Measure eLearning

    Auto Measure is artificial intelligence (AI) and powered measurements focused on automating standard Doppler and 2D distance measurements. Auto Measure is designed to help clinicians increase reproducibility, save time, and standardize measurements across different conditions and different...

    • eLearning

  2. Course



    In this 8-hour eLearning course, the engineer will learn about performing preventive and corrective service tasks on a SPARQ system. 

    Using a self-paced eLearning format, the engineer will learn about features, functions, components and how to install, and operate the SPARQ system. ...

    • eLearning

  3. Course

    Spectral CT Head and Neck

    This training is intended to introduce the basics of using Spectral Results in various head and neck scan situations. This is a basic overview on Spectral physics, Spectral Results, adding Spectral Results to Exam Cards, and the use of specific Spectral Results for different diagnostic...

    • eLearning

  4. Course

    Spectral CT Cardiac


    This training is intended to provide the fundamentals of Spectral Cardiac CT including explaining physics of Spectral CT, viewing Spectral Results, building Spectral Results Exam Card, and defining the different types of Spectral Results.

    This is an online learning course that includes an...

    • eLearning

  5. Course

    Factors affecting CTA examinations

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of topics of concern when performing CT Angiogram (CTA) studies.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and an assessment.

    • eLearning

  6. Curriculum

    CT elearning: Spectral Package

    A group of four E-learning courses that provide an overview of spectral physics, spectral results, and how they can be incorporated in routine diagnostic workflow:

    Spectral CT Fundamentals: Provides a basic overview of physics of Spectral CT and reviews fundamentals...

    • eLearning

  7. Course

    CTA Carotid and COW

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of CTA Carotid and Circle of Willis (COW) examinations, and to provide more hands-on training.

    The course consists of instruction and interactive training associated with CTA Carotid and COW examinations. Within this course several...

  8. Course

    CT Radiation Dose and Safety

    This course introduces basic radiation dose and safety risks and how they relate to the system part of the CT scanner. This learning activity also identifies dose influencers, dose modulation, and different reconstruction techniques.

    Within this course several types of materials are used...

    • eLearning

  9. Course

    IntelliSpace Cardiovascular - Upgrade Course (eLearning)


    The IntelliSpace Cardiovascular Upgrade Course provides you with the knowledge for a successful IntelliSpace Cardiovascular upgrade for various roles. It is meant for customers, upgrading from Xcelera or IntelliSpace Cardiovascular version to a newer version. 

    This course is delivered...

    • eLearning

  10. Course

    CT Brain Perfusion Workflow

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge of the different types of strokes, risk factors, and indications of a stroke, as well as the imaging workflow from start to finish for a stroke protocol.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning...

    • eLearning

  11. Course

    CT Spine Anatomy

    This course is intended to increase your spinal anatomy knowledge including vertebral bone structures and spinal ligaments. You will also learn about the muscle groups of the spine and the arteries that make up the spine and spinal cord.

    Within this course several types of materials are...

    • eLearning

  12. Course

    Pelvic Floor Imaging of Fecal Incontinence


    This 2.0-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers knowledge on the role of ultrasound in pelvic floor imaging of fecal incontinence.  Program topics include reviewing the anatomy of the pelvic floor and rectal complex, along with how to correlate the anatomy to...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  13. Course

    CTA Chest

    This training is intended to introduce the basics of CTA Chest PE exam, especially for PE CTA exams including symptoms, indicators, workflow, and protocols when performing CTA Chest PE scans.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity,...

    • eLearning

  14. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: CTA Package

    A group of four E-learning courses that provide CT Angiography-centric clinical knowledge:

    Factors affecting CTA examinations: This training is intended to increase your knowledge of topics of concern when performing CT Angiogram (CTA) studies.

    CTA Carotid...

    • eLearning

  15. Course

    CTA Abdominal Aorta

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of CTA Abdominal exams including indicators, anatomy, contrast timing options, scan parameters, workflow, and post processing.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  16. Course

    IntelliSpace Cardiovascular - CathLab (eLearning)


    This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to navigate IntelliSpace Cardiovascular, find patients and studies, and view and related images.

    This course consists of a selection of available e-learning modules and Quick Reference Training Material. 

    It is recommended to...

    • eLearning

  17. Course

    CT Spine Imaging Workflow

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of the CT Spine Imaging workflow, which includes different types of scan techniques, indications, technologies, and image quality assessments.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and...

    • eLearning

  18. Course

    CT Brain Anatomy

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge of the anatomy of the Brain and the skull bones, facial sinuses and inner ear bone structures.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning including an interactive elearning module, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  19. Course

    CT Myelography

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of basic spine anatomy, indications for CT myelograms, procedure/scanning workflow, CT scan parameters and various pathologies.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  20. Course

    CT Brain Imaging Workflow

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge on performing a CT Brain scan and explain the different types of CT scans of the head.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning including an interactive elearning module, resources, and an assessment.

    • eLearning

  21. Curriculum

    CT elearning: Neuro Package

    This curriculum bundles seven CT neuro-centric clinical courses:

    • CT Brain Anatomy
    • CT Brain Imaging Workflow
    • CT Brain Perfusion Workflow
    • CT Myelography
    • CTA Carotid and COW
    • CT Spine Anatomy
    • CT Spine Imaging Workflow
    • eLearning

  22. Course

    CT 5000 Ingenuity Initial Training

    This course follows the offsite essentials program. The purpose of the Initial Training is to provide you with an advanced understanding of the principles, techniques, and functionality of your Ingenuity CT scanner. A Philips Clinical Education Specialist will travel to your facility and provide...

    • Instructor-led

  23. Course



    Take care of yourself, so that you can take care of others. This program provides suggestions to kick-starting your self-care routing and approaching wellness from multiple facets like emotional, mental, physical, and social health.

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  24. Course

    Vue PACS - Vue Motion E-Learning


    This training provides a high level overview of the Philips Vue Motion application. This course is meant as an introduction only.


    • eLearning

  25. Course

    Vue PACS VNA - e-learning Clinical Image Management Course


    This Philips Vue PACS VNA Clinical Image Management course is a 6 hour on-line learning focused on users who have the Philips VNA and another vendor's PACS system.  You will acquire a better understanding of skills needed to become proficient on various administrative tasks and functions of Vue...

    • eLearning

  26. Course

    IntelliSpace Cardiovascular System Administration (eLearning)


    This e-learning course focuses on routine maintenance, using clinical and system configuration tools, and foundational reporting relationships, and will cover some quick tips with short video tutorials for IntelliSpace Cardiovascular.
    Note: We also do offer a more extended...

    • eLearning

  27. Course

    Conflict Management - IS


    Effective conflict management is an essential skill for every leader and emerging leader. Where healthy conflict exists, both company culture and competitive advantage can thrive.
    Learning to surface issues within your workplace and successfully manage conflict with direct reports,...

    • Instructor-led

  28. Course

    Ultrasound Clinical Services: Cancellation, Reschedule, and Travel Policy

    Travel/Cancel/Reschedule Policy

    Cancellation, Rescheduling, and Travel Policy

    Please take a moment to review the following Philips cancellation, rescheduling, and travel policy to help ensure you receive the most from your education experience.

    As a Healthcare company, we are highly regulated and must adhere to...

  29. Course

    Types of CT Interventional Procedures

    This training is intended to identify and describe the different types of CT interventional procedures available and explain when each procedure is used.

    The course consists of overviews of the different types of CT guided interventional procedures and includes an interactive elearning...

    • eLearning

  30. Course

    IGT Webinar: Vascular Interventional Registry Review

    VI Registry Review

    This course will assist in studying for the Vascular Interventional post-primary exam from the ARRT.   This self-guided course is designed for Registered Radiologic Technologists currently working in a lab, or surgical environment, with a strong foundation of the topics discussed.  There are no...

    • eLearning

  31. Course

    CT 心脏解剖学

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of the four chambers of the heart, the valves of the heart, the Main Coronary Arteries and branches and normal variants.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and assessment intended to...

    • eLearning

  32. Course


    本培训旨在介绍经主动脉瓣植入术 (TAVI) 的基础知识,包括概述如何在 TAVI 手术前进行扫描、如何进行 TAVI 测量,以及概述 TAVI 中使用的瓣膜的尺寸和类型以及主动脉瓣和冠状动脉尖的解剖结构。


    • eLearning

  33. Course

    Virtual Vue Reporting Course


    This course introduces you to the Vue Reporting Desktop.  You will receive fundamental training on Vue Reporting implementation.  After completing this course, you will be given continued access to training materials developed for use after implementation.

    • eLearning

  34. Course




    • eLearning

  35. Course




    • eLearning

  36. Course




    • eLearning

  37. Course






    • eLearning

  38. Course



    本培训旨在增加您对与 iPatient 和 Incisive 扫描仪相关的钙评分扫描和扫描后处理的了解。



    • eLearning

  39. Course


    本培训旨在增加您在进行 CT 血管造影 (CTA) 研究时对关注主题的了解。


    • eLearning

  40. Course


    本培训旨在增加您对 CTA 颈动脉和威利斯环 (COW) 检查的了解。


    • eLearning

  41. Course


    本培训旨在介绍 CTA 胸部 PE 检查的基础知识,尤其是 PE CTA 检查,包括进行 CTA 胸部 PE 扫描时的症状、指标、工作流程和协议。


    • eLearning

  42. Course


    本培训旨在增加您对 CTA 腹部检查的了解,包括指标、解剖结构、造影剂计时选项、扫描参数、工作流程和后处理。


    • eLearning

  43. Course




    在参加课程的任何讲师指导部分之前,您应该完成所有必需的在线学习活动。完成本课程所需的活动标有星号 (*)。活动的详细信息在下面的在线学习活动部分提供。

    • eLearning

  44. Course

    Considérations sur l'Imagerie Pédiatrique TDM

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances sur les sujets de préoccupation lors de la réalisation de tomographies pédiatriques.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos connaissances en tomodensitométrie pédiatrique et vous aide à les retenir.

  45. Course

    Paramètres en TDM et Leurs Effets sur la Qualité Image

    Cette formation présente comment les paramètres d'image sélectionnés dans une carte d'examen affectent la résolution à faible contraste, la résolution spatiale et la résolution temporelle.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience pédagogique dynamique qui renforce vos connaissances sur les paramètres...

    • eLearning

  46. Course

    L’Essentiel en Cardiologie en TDM

    Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances en matière de scanner cardiaque associée aux scanners iPatient.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos connaissances cardiaques et vous aide à les retenir. Pendant ce cours, nous utilisons diverses...

    • eLearning

  47. Course

    Score Calcique TDM

    Le score calcique est un examen tomodensitométrique qui permet de détecter les dépôts de calcium dans les artères coronaires, et donc d'évaluer le risque de maladie coronarienne.

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances sur le score calcique et le post-traitement associés...

    • eLearning

  48. Course

    L'Implantation d'une Valve Trans-Aortique (TAVI) TDM

    Cette formation a pour but de présenter les bases de l'implantation d'une valve trans-aortique (TAVI), y compris une vue d'ensemble de la manière de réaliser un scanner avant une procédure TAVI, de la manière d'effectuer les mesures TAVI, et une vue d'ensemble de la taille et des types de valves...

    • eLearning

  49. Course

    Dose de Radiation et Sécurité en TDM

    Ce cours présente les bases des risques en matière de dose de rayonnement et de sécurité, ainsi que la manière dont ils sont liés à la partie système du scanner. Cette activité d'apprentissage identifie également les facteurs influençant la dose, la modulation de la dose et les différentes...

    • eLearning

  50. Course

    Facteurs Influençants l’Angioscanner

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances concernant les angioscanners.

    • eLearning