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  1. Course

    iXR Allura Essentials 28 hrs. Offsite

    Didactic lectures conducted in a dynamic classroom setting and interactive hands-on training on a fully-operational FD system with imaging performed on phantoms. The course topics covered include, but are not limited to, procedure workflow, such as patient scheduling, image acquisition, post...

    • Instructor-led

  2. Course

    IXR Physician's OffSite Education Package

    This is strictly a hands-on education session done on a fully functional FD system using phantoms to image and post-process. The training day (up to 8hrs) is based around the physicians educational training needs and can cover the Allura FD System, the Interventional Tools workstation (3D...

    • Instructor-led

  3. Course

    iXR Vascular Interventional Tools 20 hr. Offsite

    This session will include in depth didactic and hands on training covering the vascular interventional tools used in conjunction with the IGT imaging system(currently 3DRA, XperCT, Xper Guide/Ablation, 3D Roadmapping,MR/CT Roadmap, EmboGuide, VesselNavigator, 2D Perfusion). This course is...

    • Instructor-led

  4. Course

    iXR Add OnSite Clin Educ 08h (Customized Education - 8 hrs)

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facilities requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable with the basic functioning...

    • Instructor-led

  5. Course

    IXR Additional Training Onsite

    A dedicated Philips Clinical Education Specialist (CES) will customize education to meet your facility's requirements, and cover basic or advanced application topics determined by your site. This education (8,16, 24, or 28 hours) should be scheduled after primary system users are comfortable...

    • Instructor-led

  6. Course

    IRM NEURO AVANCEEThéorie et pratique sur console depost-traitement Philips en IRM Neuro-Avancée

    Théorie et pratique sur console de post-traitement Philips en IRM neuro-avancée.

    Cours théorique

    • Rappels sur le spin-écho.
    • Séquence EPI (échoplanar imaging).
    • IRM de diffusion.
    • IRM de perfusion.
    • IRM du tenseur de diffusion
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  7. Course

    iXR One Day Workshop 8hr. Offsite

    This course will cover basic and advanced training on Allura Xper system components, workflow demonstrations, and image processing.
    During this workshop:

    • We will provide Cardiac Cath, Interventional Radiology, E.P., or O.R. staff with an understanding of the
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  8. Course

    Allura Xper FD10/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  9. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  10. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/20 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  11. Course

    CT Brain Perfusion Workflow

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge of the different types of strokes, risk factors, and indications of a stroke, as well as the imaging workflow from start to finish for a stroke protocol.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning...

    • eLearning

  12. Course

    CT Spine Imaging Workflow

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of the CT Spine Imaging workflow, which includes different types of scan techniques, indications, technologies, and image quality assessments.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and...

    • eLearning

  13. Course

    CT Brain Anatomy

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge of the anatomy of the Brain and the skull bones, facial sinuses and inner ear bone structures.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning including an interactive elearning module, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  14. Course

    CT Myelography

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of basic spine anatomy, indications for CT myelograms, procedure/scanning workflow, CT scan parameters and various pathologies.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity, resources, and an...

    • eLearning

  15. Course

    CT Brain Imaging Workflow

    This course is intended to increase your knowledge on performing a CT Brain scan and explain the different types of CT scans of the head.

    Within this course several types of materials are used to encourage learning including an interactive elearning module, resources, and an assessment.

    • eLearning

  16. Curriculum

    CT elearning: Neuro Package

    This curriculum bundles seven CT neuro-centric clinical courses:

    • CT Brain Anatomy
    • CT Brain Imaging Workflow
    • CT Brain Perfusion Workflow
    • CT Myelography
    • CTA Carotid and COW
    • CT Spine Anatomy
    • CT Spine Imaging Workflow
    • eLearning

  17. Course


    本培训旨在增加您对 CTA 颈动脉和威利斯环 (COW) 检查的了解。


    • eLearning

  18. Course

    CTA Carotide et Willis

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances des angioscanners carotidiens et du polygone de Willis.

    Il s'agit d'un cours d'apprentissage en ligne qui comprend une activité d'apprentissage interactive en ligne associé à l’analyse des angioscanners carotidiens et du polygone de...

    • eLearning

  19. Course

    Spectral CT Tête et Cou

    Ce module présente les bases de l’utilisation des résultats spectraux dans diverses situations d’acquisition de la tête et du cou. Il s’agit d’un aperçu de base sur la physique spectrale, les résultats spectraux, l’ajout des résultats spectraux dans les cartes d’examens et l’utilisation de...

    • eLearning

  20. Course

    CT Brain Perfusion 1-Day with iPatient / Incisive Scanner Course

    This course delivers a dynamic educational experience that not only builds on your system knowledge, but helps you retain it. This onsite interactive session intends to assist you in brain perfusion imaging at your facility. Your applications specialist will work with your clinical team to...

    • Instructor-led