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  1. Course

    Introduction to MSK Ultrasound of the Knee


    This one-hour Virtual Training course is designed to provide customers the basic knowledge to perform musculoskeletal ultrasound of the knee.  Program topics include the indications, technique and sonographic anatomy of the normal knee.   

    Virtual training is a facilitator-led, live...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  2. Course

    Introduction to MSK Ultrasound of the Shoulder


    This two-hour Virtual Training course is designed to provide customers the basic knowledge to perform musculoskeletal ultrasound of the shoulder. Program topics include the indications, technique and sonographic anatomy of the normal shoulder.    

    Virtual training is a facilitator-led,...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  3. Course

    Introduction to MSK Ultrasound of the Wrist and Hand


    This two-hour Virtual Training course is designed to provide customers basic knowledge to perform musculoskeletal ultrasound of the wrist and hand.  Program topics include the indications, technique and sonographic anatomy of the normal wrist and hand.

    Virtual training is a facilitator-...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  4. Course

    Introduction to Musculoskeletal Imaging


    This two-day program provides the basic fundamental information necessary to acquire knowledge and skill in performing musculoskeletal ultrasound exams. Educational material will be presented in the form of detailed lectures as well as supervised hands-on scanning sessions.

    • Instructor-led

  5. Course

    Introduction to Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: The Bones

    In musculoskeletal ultrasound, having a good understanding of bony anatomy for the joints most commonly scanned is key to success. This module is designed to help you gain this understanding.

    This tutorial provides an overview of the upper and lower bone skeletal anatomy and how they...

    • eLearning

  6. Course

    Introduction to Myocardial Deformation and Mechanical Function


    This module is designed to provide the foundation for the understanding of myocardial mechanics including rotation, twist, untwisting and torsion. Emphasis is on the heart’s fiber architecture and its interaction, creating overall contraction and relaxation. Case examples include a comparison of...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  7. Course

    Introduction to Right Ventricular Speckle Tracking Echocardiography Strain Imaging


    Assessment of right ventricular (RV) systolic performance has been limited to conventional echocardiographic techniques such as M-mode and TDI. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography (STE) strain imaging may improve the overall assessment and understanding of RV performance. This module will include...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  8. Course

    Introduction to Speckle Tracking Echocardiography Strain Imaging in Pediatric Patients with CHD


    The attendee will learn how “speckles” are created in the ultrasound field and how speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) was validated. In addition, how STE is applied in the pediatric population with congenital heart disease (CHD). The technical pearls and caveats when applying STE strain...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  9. Course

    iPatient Essentials Virtual

    Didactic lectures conducted in a virtual classroom setting on a Philips iPatient simulator. The course topics covered include, but are not limited to: CT scan workflow, image management, Exam Card parameters, and development of Exam Cards.

    Within this course we will use several types of...

    • Blended

  10. Course

    iPatient Follow Up 24hr Training

    This course is an onsite visit intended to assist you with optimizing your iPatient scanner. Philips will provide you further guidance on the clinical applications of your iPatient scanner, including a review of basic scanner workflow, functionality, and maintenance.

    • Instructor-led

  11. Course

    iPatient Just the Basics 5 Hr Virtual

    his virtual course is taught with the Zoom platform on an iPatient CT simulator and/or iPatient CT scanner.  The course will provide you with the knowledge to successfully complete a scan, use common system features, and manage completed exams.  The course will be limited to two technologists to...

    • Blended

  12. Course

    IQon Elite Spectral CT Follow Up Training

    This course follows the Initial Training, The Follow-Up is an onsite visit intended to assist you with optimizing your IQon Elite Spectral CT . Philips will provide you further guidance on the clinical applications of your IQon Elite Spectral CT, including a review of basic scanner workflow,...

    • Blended

  13. Course

    IQon Elite Spectral CT Initial Training

    The purpose of the Initial training is to provide you with an advanced understanding of the principles, techniques, and functionality of your IQon Elite Spectral CT. A Philips Clinical Education Specialist will travel to your facility and provide 28 hours of instruction on your Philips IQon...

    • Blended

  14. Course

    iXR Allura Cardiac Essentials 20 hrs. Offsite

    This 2.5 day course is made up of didactic lectures conducted in a dynamic classroom setting as well as interactive hands-on training on a fully operational FD system with imaging performed on phantoms. The course topics covered include, but are not limited to, procedure workflow, such as...

    • Instructor-led

  15. Course

    iXR Allura Essentials 28 hrs. Offsite

    Didactic lectures conducted in a dynamic classroom setting and interactive hands-on training on a fully-operational FD system with imaging performed on phantoms. The course topics covered include, but are not limited to, procedure workflow, such as patient scheduling, image acquisition, post...

    • Instructor-led

  16. Course

    iXR EP Navigator Essentials 20 hr. Offsite

    Overview training of the Allura FD system including patient scheduling, workflow, radiation safety and system buttonology will be given. Workflow steps for proper use of the EP Navigator workstation, and 3D ATG will be domonstrated. Individual EP Navigator workstations are provided for this...

    • Instructor-led

  17. Course

    iXR One Day Workshop 8hr. Offsite

    This course will cover basic and advanced training on Allura Xper system components, workflow demonstrations, and image processing.
    During this workshop:

    • We will provide Cardiac Cath, Interventional Radiology, E.P., or O.R. staff with an understanding of the
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  18. Course

    iXR Vascular Interventional Tools 20 hr. Offsite

    This session will include in depth didactic and hands on training covering the vascular interventional tools used in conjunction with the IGT imaging system(currently 3DRA, XperCT, Xper Guide/Ablation, 3D Roadmapping,MR/CT Roadmap, EmboGuide, VesselNavigator, 2D Perfusion). This course is...

    • Instructor-led

  19. Course

    Left & Right Ventricular Systolic Function


    This educational activity will review the importance of understanding the use of echocardiography to evaluate left and right basic ventricular function. This class will review the different techniques, limitations and clinical implications of using echocardiography to evaluate both global and...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  20. Course

    Left Atrial Appendage Occluder Devices: Role of TEE Imaging


    This course is designed for cardiologists, anesthesiologists, sonographers and other providers involved in management of LAA occlude devices. This course will cover comprehensive imaging evaluation necessary for baseline assessment of LAA to assess candidacy for LAA occluder device. This course...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  21. Course

    Live 3D Echo Fundamentals


    This three-day course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Live 3D echocardiography for physicians and cardiac sonographers who are new 3D users.

    By increasing familiarity with clinical applications of Live 3D echocardiography and providing a spectrum of situations both physicians...

    • Instructor-led

  22. Course

    Live 3D in Complex Congenital Heart Disease


    This one-day course is designed to provide pediatric cardiologists, adult congenital cardiologists and cardiac sonographers with the fundamental skills required to obtain and analyze high-quality live transthoracic 3D images of complex congenital heart issues.

    The course will be directed...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  23. Course

    Live 3D TEE for TAVR 311


    Live 3D TEE offers clinicians the ability to perform accurate and relevant assessments of the Aortic Valve during Transcatheter Aortic Valve procedures. Live 3D echocardiography allows visualization of Transcatheter Aortic Valve devices before, during and immediately after implantation. 


    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  24. Course

    Live 3D TEE for TAVR 411


    Live 3D TEE offers clinicians the ability to perform accurate and relevant assessments of the Aortic Valve during Transcatheter Aortic Valve procedures. Live 3D echocardiography allows visualization of Transcatheter Aortic Valve devices before, during and immediately after implantation. This one...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  25. Course

    Live 3D TEE for Transcatheter Structural Heart Procedures


    This course will be delivered by Dr George Gellert and is designed to provide Cardiologists, Cardiac Anesthesiologists and Cardiac Sonographers with the understanding of how live 3D technology contributes to structural heart patient screening and transcatheter procedural guidance, what...

    • Instructor-led

  26. Course

    Live 3D TEE in Structural Heart Disease


    Live 3D TEE provides a novel imaging method to visualize cardiac structures. This modality has enabled us to readily diagnose disease of cardiac structures and guide interventions when necessary.

    During this course, participants will be introduced to 3D image acquisition in structural...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  27. Course

    Live 3D TEE Practical Application


    Live 3D TEE provides cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and cardiac surgeons with innovative, inspiring, and realistic views to aid patient care. 3D TEE will be critical in guiding procedures involving the mitral valve, the intra-atrial septum, and the left atrium. This is the first Philips class...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  28. Course

    Live 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography of Congenital Heart Disease


    This two-day course is designed to provide pediatric cardiologists, adult congenital cardiologists and cardiac sonographers with the fundamental skills required to obtain and analyze high-quality Live 3D TEE images. This course will be taught by David A. Roberson, MD, FASE, FACC. Educational...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  29. Course

    Liver Anatomy, Physiology and Lab Values for the Sonographer


    This one-hour virtual speaker-led training course is designed to provide customers an understanding of the liver anatomy, including Couinaud’s liver anatomy, the cellular make-up of the liver, common liver functions and the different lab values used to determine liver function.


    • Instructor-led Webinar

  30. Course

    Liver Elastography University


    The Liver Elastography University is a one-day physician-led course that will provide an overview of image optimization and a review of general liver ultrasound including color and pulsed Doppler. Additionally, the course will provide a comprehensive overview of the practical applications,...

    • Instructor-led

  31. Course

    Mastering Diastolic Function Assessment & Interpretation


    This one-day course will be taught by Jeffrey C. Hill, MSc, ACS, FASE. The course begins with a review of the basic understanding and essential measurements required for the assessment of diastolic function. Technical aspects including how to obtain quality tracings and measurements will prepare...

    • Instructor-led

  32. Course

    Mastering Myocardial Strain in Clinical Practice


    This virtual course will be taught by Jeffrey Hill, BS, ACS, FASE. The clinical application of strain imaging is complex and requires a thorough understanding of the technology for accurate diagnosis. This course is the first-of-its-kind to address reproducibility between the cardiac sonographer...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  33. Course

    Measuring Up to Standards - Chamber Quantification & Basic System Training Combined


    Advances in echocardiography have expanded the methods for assessing the cardiac chambers. Measuring simple two-dimensional distances are no longer sufficient. Volumes and multidimensional motion provide clinicians important data in the treatment of heart disease. This course will expand the...

    • Instructor-led

  34. Course

    Measuring Up to Standards - Valvular Quantification & Basic System Training Combined


    Improvements in Doppler and in overall imaging allow visualization never before realized. This program will cover assessment of all four cardiac valves for both stenosis and regurgitation. Examples of correct and incorrect measurements will be given as well as explanation of what comprises a...

    • Instructor-led

  35. Course

    Measuring Up to Standards: Chamber Quantification


    Advances in echocardiography have expanded the methods for assessing the cardiac chambers. Measuring simple two-dimensional distances are no longer sufficient. Volumes and multidimensional motion provide clinicians important data in the treatment of heart disease. This course will expand the...

    • Instructor-led

  36. Course

    Measuring Up To Standards: Valvular Quantification


    Improvements in Doppler and in overall imaging allow visualization never before realized. This program will cover assessment of all four cardiac valves for both stenosis and regurgitation. Examples of correct and incorrect  measurements will be given as well as explanation of what comprises a...

    • Instructor-led

  37. Course

    MG FFDM - MicroDose Mammography 24hr. Onsite


    The purpose of this program is to provide technologists with the ability to understand and execute all basic and advanced functions and options of the Philips Mammo Diagnost FD equipment. Training will consist of both didactic and hands on instruction. We will provide theoretical...

    • Instructor-led

  38. Course

    MG ISB IntelliSpace Breast 24hr. Onsite

    The purpose of this onsite training program is to provide radiologists and/or technologists with the ability to understand and execute all basic functions and options of the Philips IntelliSpace Breast (ISB) Reading WorkStation (RWS). Training will consist of both didactic and hands-on...

    • Instructor-led

  39. Course

    Mitraclip Complications - Echocardiographic Assessment of Mitraclip Complications


    This course will provide a case based approach to the echocardiographic assessment of Mitraclip complications

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  40. Course

    Mitraclip procedural echo guidance


    This module walks the attendee through MitraClip echo guidance in a step-by-step fashion, with emphasis on the two corner stone parts of a successful procedure, the trans-septal puncture and proper leaflet grasping. The role of 2D, xPlane, 3D and MultiView modalities is discussed for a safer and...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  41. Course

    Mitral regurgitation and Mitraclip


    This course will review the carpentier classification. Describe the algorithm and work up for mitral regurgitation. 

    Review TTE/TEE imaging techniques and software used to evaluate mitral regurgitation during:

    1. Pre-op work up 

    2. During MitraClip deployment

    3. Post...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  42. Course

    Mitral Stenosis


    This course will review the differences between Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis and mitral annular calcification. Explain the algorithms and work up for both entities. Describe the different transcatheter approaches to treating both entities. Review the role of TEE guidance during balloon mitral...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  43. Course

    Mitral Valve


    This educational activity will review the importance of understanding the use of echocardiography to evaluate the mitral valve. This class will review fundamental two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic views for the qualitative assessment of normal and pathological mitral valve echo-...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  44. Course

    Mitral Valve Imaging


    This one-day course is designed to provide heart surgeons, interventional cardiologists, non-interventional cardiologists, cardiac anesthesiologists, and cardiac sonographers with the fundamental skills required to obtain and analyze high-quality Live 3D TEE images. The course focuses on image...

    • Instructor-led

  45. Course

    Mitral valve pre-procedural assessment


    Surgical or interventional mitral valve procedure starts with the mitral valve’s imaging assessment. The goal is clear identification of the mitral valve disease’s mechanism, pathology and location. This module is a protocol driven mitral valve imaging guide to precise identification of...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  46. Course

    MultiVue clinical use in TEE


    This one hour course discusses the utility of MultiVue during TEE procedures

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  47. Course

    Musculoskeletal Lower Extremity Ultrasound University


    Musculoskeletal Lower Extremity Ultrasound is a one-day, physician led course that will provide a comprehensive overview of the practical applications, techniques, and interpretation of MSK imaging of the lower extremities.

    • Instructor-led

  48. Course

    Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the Foot and Ankle


    This 1-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to perform an ultrasound exam of the foot and ankle. Program topics include the indications, technique and sonographic anatomy of the foot and ankle. The course will also cover common abnormalities of...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  49. Course

    Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the Shoulder


    This 1-hour Virtual Speaker-Led Training course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to perform shoulder ultrasound exam. Program topics include the indications, technique and sonographic anatomy of the shoulder. The course will also cover common abnormalities of the shoulder...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  50. Course

    Musculoskeletal Ultrasound University


    The Musculoskeletal Ultrasound University is a two-day, physician-led course that will provide a comprehensive overview of the practical applications, techniques, and interpretation of MSK imaging. This course will be taught by Nelson A. Hager, MD, MS who is Board certified in Sports Medicine...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop