Results 51 - 50 of 1025

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  1. Course

    Advanced System Training - Live 3D EPIQ


    Advanced System Training (AST) courses educate customers on cutting-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following onsite installation, the intensive AST program will deepen your knowledge. This class is an introduction to xMatrix technology and functionality on the EPIQ...

    • Instructor-led

  2. Course

    Advanced techniques and preliminary reporting in sonographer assisted transesophageal echocardiography (TEE).


    This interactive virtual learning course is for both physicians and sonographers with experience and understanding of basic TEE imaging and techniques. Presentation of case and pathology scenarios are combined with interactive discussion, and include experiential algorithms for assessment of...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  3. Course

    Advanced Transcranial Doppler Imaging


    Transcranial Doppler Imaging (TCDI) is a non-invasive vascular duplex test used to evaluate the circle of Willis and the vertebrobasilar arteries using various acoustic windows. 

    This one-day program, led by Muhammad Hasan MBBCh, RPVI, RVT, provides the advanced skills needed for those...

    • Instructor-led

  4. Course

    Advanced Ultrasonography of the Carotid Bifurcation


    This 2 hour course for noninvasive vascular ultrasound technologists is developed to meet the need to standardize performance protocols and
    diagnostic criteria for noninvasive evaluation of extracranial carotid duplex ultrasound. The course includes lectures and interactive case study....

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  5. Course

    Advanced Visualization Workspace (formerly ISP) AutoQuant 2017


    AutoQuant is an application that can be purchased for use with IntelliSpace Portal. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to navigate a Nuclear Medicine study and QARG in AutoQuant.

    • eLearning

  6. Course

    Age specific scanning tips & tricks for performing a successful pediatric echocardiogram


    This educational activity will  provide guidance on imaging techniques for neonate, toddler, adolescent and teen echocardiograms.

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  7. Course

    Alice NightOne

    These five modules seek to provide functional understanding of the Alice NightOne and its sleep diagnostics capabilities.


    • eLearning

  8. Course

    All Hands on Structural Heart I: The Left Side


    This one-day course is led by advanced cardiac imaging specialist Rick Meece, ACS RDCS RCIS FASE. The course content is fully focused on advanced hands-on technical training using pathology-based case examples
    regarding the left ventricle, left atrium, mitral and aortic valve disease and...

    • Instructor-led

  9. Course

    All Hands on Structural Heart II: The Right Side


    This one-day course is led by advanced cardiac imaging specialist Rick Meece, ACS RDCS RCIS FASE. The course content is fully focused towards advanced hands-on technical training using pathology based case examples regarding evaluation of the right ventricle, right atrium and cava, inter-atrial...

    • Instructor-led

  10. Course

    Allura Xper FD10/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  11. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  12. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/20 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  13. Course

    Allura Xper Release 8.2 Service Training HE


    In this 8-day, instructor-led course, the engineer will learn how to perform planned maintenance, replace parts and perform basic troubleshooting of the Allura Xper 8.2. The course is performed on a basic monoplane system with options as XtraVision / Interventional Workspot and FlexVision. After...

    • Instructor-led

  14. Course

    American Society of Echocardiography & Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Comprehensive Transesophageal Echocardiographic Exam


    This educational activity will review the two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic views that are recommended by American Society of Echocardiography & Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists for performing a comprehensive transesophageal echocardiographic exam. Emphasis will be...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  15. Course

    Anatomia Cardiaca per TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza in tema di anatomia cardiaca.

    • eLearning

  16. Course

    Anatomic Variants & Anomalies


    This educational activity will review the importance of identifying commonly encountered anatomic variants and anomalies which may be observed during an echocardiographic examination. This class will also how to differentiate anomalies from artifacts and true pathology and potential clinical...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  17. Course

    Anatomie Cardiaque TDM

    Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur les quatre cavités du cœur, les valves du cœur, les principales artères et branches coronaires et les variantes normales.

    Il s'agit d'un cours d'apprentissage en ligne qui comprend une activité d'apprentissage interactive en...

    • eLearning

  18. Course

    Anatomie für die Herz-CT

    Diese Schulung soll Ihr Wissen über das Herzscannen im Zusammenhang mit iPatient-Scannern erweitern.

    Dies ist eine dynamische pädagogische Erfahrung, die Ihr Herzwissen aufbaut und Ihnen hilft, es zu behalten. Während dieses Kurses verwenden wir verschiedene Methoden, um Sie zu engagieren...

    • eLearning

  19. Course

    Anatomía cardíaca en TC

    Este entrenamiento está diseñado para aumentar su conocimiento de las 4 cámaras del corazón, las válvulas del corazón, las arterias coronarias principales y sus ramas y variantes normales.

    Este es un curso de aprendizaje en línea que incluye actividades interactivas que tienen la...

    • eLearning

  20. Course

    AngioTC Aorta Abdominal

    Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar sus conocimientos de exámenes de AngioTC abdominal incluyendo: indicaciones, anatomía, opciones de tiempo de contraste, parámetros de escaneo, flujo de trabajo y postprocesamiento.

    • eLearning

  21. Course

    AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis

    Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento de los exámenes de AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis.

    Este curso consta de instrucciones y entrenamiento interactivo asociado con exámenes de AngioTC de Carótidas y Polígono de Willis.

    • eLearning

  22. Course

    AngioTC de Tórax

    Esta capacitación tiene como objetivo presentar los conceptos básicos del examen AngioTC de Toráx para Embolia Pulmonar (PE), especialmente para los exámenes EP ATC, incluidos los síntomas, indicaciones, flujo de trabajo y protocolos al realizar exploraciones AngioTC de Toráx para Embolia...

    • eLearning

  23. Course

    Aortic Stenosis and TAVR


    This course delves into the subtypes of severe aortic stenosis, including low-gradient presentations, with comprehensive pre-TAVR patient evaluations. Through case-based learning, participants align procedural planning with advanced interventional insights, mirroring the preparation needed in...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  24. Course

    Aortic Valve


    This educational activity will review the importance of understanding the use of echocardiography to evaluate the aortic valve. This class will review fundamental two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic views for the qualitative assessment of normal and pathological aortic valve echo-...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  25. Course

    APACHE Methodology Training

    MaThis module will provide a review of the APACHE Methodology and data collection elements and discuss how the APACHE Daily Management Report within the eCareManager application will be  utilized to verify that all appropriate data elements.

    • eLearning

  26. Course

    Applications avancées Cardiaques


    Formation réalisée sur des postes Clients IntelliSpace Portal (ISP)

    • Quantification du score calcique (Calcium Scoring).
    • Analyse Cardiaque (CCA) : segmentation des cavités cardiaques, des artères coronaires, études multiplanaires, fonction ventriculaire.


    • Instructor-led

  27. Course

    Applications avancées Colon


    Formation réalisée sur des postes Clients IntelliSpace Portal (ISP)

    • Intérêt du colo scanner et technique d’acquisition.
    • Présentation du logiciel et des différents outils de travail liés à l’application avancée.
    • Utilisation optimale du programme de segmentation et
    • ...
    • Instructor-led

  28. Course

    Applications avancées Vasculaires


    Acquérir les compétences nécessaires à l’utilisation des modules vasculaires.​

    Formation réalisée sur des stations EBW en version 4:
    ● AVA
    ● Analyse quantitative des sténoses et des anévrismes
    ● Planification d’endo-prothèse
    ● Cas cliniques.

    • Instructor-led

  29. Course

    Artefactos de TAC: Reconocimiento y Prevención

    Esta formación tiene por objeto aumentar sus conocimientos sobre el reconocimiento deartefactos de TAC y la forma en que son minimizados por el software del sistema o por el operador.

    Se trata de una experiencia educativa dinámica que refuerza sus conocimientos sobre el reconocimiento y...

    • eLearning

  30. Course

    Artefacts TDM: Reconnaissance et évitement

    Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur la reconnaissance des artefacts CT et sur la manière dont ils sont minimisés par le logiciel système ou par l'opérateur.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos connaissances en matière de...

    • eLearning

  31. Course

    Artefakte im CT: Erkennen und Vermeiden

    Dieses Training soll Ihr Wissen über das Erkennen von CT-Artefakten und deren Minimierung durch Systemsoftware oder Bediener erweitern.

    Dies ist eine dynamische pädagogische Erfahrung, die Ihr CT-Artefakterkennungs- und Vermeidungswissen aufbaut und Ihnen hilft, es zu behalten.

    • eLearning

  32. Course

    Artefatti in TC: Riconoscerli ed Evitarli

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la tua conoscenza del riconoscimento degli artefatti TC, di come vengono ridotti al minimo dal software di sistema o dall'operatore e di aiutarti a evitarli.

    • eLearning

  33. Course

    Assessment of mitral valve dysfunction caused by multiple mechanisms


    This course discusses qualitative and quantitative approaches to define primary and secondary mechanisms of complex mitral valve disease and determine severity of valve dysfunction.anatomy and evaluation of the mechanism and severity of mitral regurgitation. This lecture will review mitral valve...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  34. Course

    Auto Measure eLearning

    Auto Measure is artificial intelligence (AI) and powered measurements focused on automating standard Doppler and 2D distance measurements. Auto Measure is designed to help clinicians increase reproducibility, save time, and standardize measurements across different conditions and different...

    • eLearning

  35. Course

    AutoSTRAIN eLearning

    AutoSTRAIN eLearning provides simple and fast LV GLS through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. This self-paced course will review the features and workflow of the AutoSTRAIN tool.

    Subscription: Access unlimited eLearning...

    • eLearning

  36. Course

    AutoStrain LA 7.0 eLearning

    AutoStrain LA 7.0 eLearning - AutoStrain LA provides simple and fast LA Global Longitudinal Strain through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. This eLearning will review the features and workflow of the AutoStrain LA tool.


    • eLearning

  37. Course

    AutoStrain LA eLearning

    AutoStrain LA eLearning - AutoStrain LA provides simple and fast LA Global Longitudinal Strain through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. This eLearning will review the features and workflow of the AutoStrain LA tool.


    • eLearning

  38. Course

    AutoStrain LA - On-Demand


    AutoStrain LA provides simple and fast LA Global Longitudinal Strain through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement, and fast speckle tracking. This on-demand course reviews the features and workflow of the AutoStrain LA tool.

    Subscriptions: Access...

    • eLearning

  39. Course

    AutoStrain LV 7.0 eLearning

    AutoStrain LV 7.0 eLearning - AutoStrain LV provides simple and fast LV GLS through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. This eLearning will review the features and workflow of the AutoStrain LV tool.

    Subscription: Access...

    • eLearning

  40. Course

    AutoStrain LV eLearning

    AutoStrain LV eLearning - AutoStrain LV provides simple and fast LV GLS through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. This eLearning will review the features and workflow of the AutoStrain LV tool.

    Subscription: Access...

    • eLearning

  41. Course

    AutoStrain RV 7.0 eLearning

    AutoStrain RV 7.0 eLearning - AutoStrain RV provides simple and fast RV Global Strain through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. The tool also provides RV Free Wall Strain. This eLearning will review the features and workflow of the AutoStrain...

    • eLearning

  42. Course

    AutoStrain RV eLearning

    AutoStrain RV eLearning - AutoStrain RV provides simple and fast RV Global Strain through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. The tool also provides RV Free Wall Strain. This eLearning will review the features and workflow of the AutoStrain RV...

    • eLearning

  43. Course

    Azurion Service Training HE


    In this 8-day, instructor-led course, the engineer will learn to safely service the Azurion system. The engineer will be provided the knowledge and skills to perform planned maintenance, parts replacement and basic troubleshooting. The course is performed on a basic monoplane system with...

    • Instructor-led

  44. Course

    Base de la Reconstruction en TDM

    Cette formation a pour but d'accroître vos connaissances de la chaîne d'imagerie, de la génération des rayons X à la création de l'image, et de la reconstruction avancée telle que iDose, IMR et l'imagerie spectrale.

    Il s'agit d'une expérience éducative dynamique qui renforce vos...

    • eLearning

  45. Course

    Baseline 3D TEE evaluation of mitral regurgitation for mitral clip


    Mitral clip is an alternative therapy for patients with significant mitral regurgitation who are not candidates for mitral valve surgery. 3-D transesophageal echocardiogram is essential for baseline evaluation of mitral regurgitation to assess candidacy for mitral clip. With further advancements...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  46. Course

    Basi Cardio per TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione cardiaca associata agli scanner iPatient.

    • eLearning

  47. Course

    Basic Early Obstetrical and Gynecological Ultrasound

    This course will provide an overview of the basics of the performance of an early Obstetrical and Gynecological ultrasound exam.  Topics covered include a review of the anatomy, views and measurements required for a complete ultrasound examination of each section. 

    This course is part of...

    • eLearning

  48. Course

    Basic Fetal Echocardiography


    This one-day program provides the information necessary to acquire knowledge and skill in the sonographic assessment of the fetal heart as part of the second trimester OB ultrasound exam.This course will extensively cover the four-chamber heart and all of its intricacies. Imaging of the outflow...

    • Instructor-led

  49. Course

    Basic overview in performance of sonographer assisted transesophageal echocardiography


    This interactive virtual learning course is the foundation module covering essential knowledge base and skills for performing sonographer assisted transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). We will examine a thorough review of TEE probe depth, angulation, primary views and anatomy, and technical...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  50. Course

    Basic Volume Imaging Manipulation Part 1: OB/GYN


    This 1.5 - hour Virtual Instructor Led Training (vILT) course is designed to provide customers the knowledge to perform basic volume imaging manipulations in the applications of OB/GYN.  This session will cover manipulation of a uterine endometrium, uterine IUD, retroverted uterus, uterine polyp...

    • Blended