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  1. Course

    3D Auto LAA eLearning

    Philip's first dedicated solution for live LAA sizing. The measurements provided are Perimeter, Area and Max and Min diameters.

    Subscription: Access unlimited eLearning by purchasing the Silver Membership. To request a Silver Membership subscription, please ...

    • eLearning

  2. Course

    3D Auto MV eLearning

    3D Auto MV is Philips first automated application for valvular evaluation. This course will describe the clinical use and workflow of the 3D Auto MV tool.

    Subscription: Access unlimited eLearning by purchasing the Silver Membership. To request a Silver Membership...

    • eLearning

  3. Course

    3D Auto RV eLearning

    3D Auto RV is the first application with combined innovations from Philips and TOMTEC

    • Auto segmentation, view and landmark alignment using Philips machine learning artificial intelligence 
    • User Interface, editing tools, display, 3D and 2D measurements using TOMTEC 4D RV
    • ...
    • eLearning

  4. Course

    Advanced Perioperative 3D TEE - Ao/Pul/Tri Valve


    Educational material will be presented in the form of lectures, case presentations, and informal discussions that together will provide a comprehensive review of how perioperative TEE can be used in patients undergoing valve repair and replacement to guide surgical decision-making preoperatively...

    • Instructor-led

  5. Course

    Advanced System Training Cardiovascular 2D and Live 3D EPIQ


    Advanced System Training (AST) courses are designed to educate customers on the leading-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following your onsite installation training, the intensive AST serves to expand and deepen your knowledge.

    EPIQ uses nSight imaging and...

    • Instructor-led

  6. Course

    Advanced System Training - Cardiac 2D EPIQ


    Advanced System Training (AST) courses educate customers on cutting-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following onsite installation, the intensive AST program deepens your knowledge. With EPIQ’s nSight Plus imaging and AI, AST courses show you how to apply the technology...

    • Instructor-led

  7. Course

    Advanced System Training - Live 3D EPIQ


    Advanced System Training (AST) courses educate customers on cutting-edge technologies specific to each system and application. Following onsite installation, the intensive AST program will deepen your knowledge. This class is an introduction to xMatrix technology and functionality on the EPIQ...

    • Instructor-led

  8. Course

    All Hands on Structural Heart I: The Left Side


    This one-day course is led by advanced cardiac imaging specialist Rick Meece, ACS RDCS RCIS FASE. The course content is fully focused on advanced hands-on technical training using pathology-based case examples
    regarding the left ventricle, left atrium, mitral and aortic valve disease and...

    • Instructor-led

  9. Course

    All Hands on Structural Heart II: The Right Side


    This one-day course is led by advanced cardiac imaging specialist Rick Meece, ACS RDCS RCIS FASE. The course content is fully focused towards advanced hands-on technical training using pathology based case examples regarding evaluation of the right ventricle, right atrium and cava, inter-atrial...

    • Instructor-led

  10. Course

    Allura Xper FD10/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  11. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/10 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  12. Course

    Allura Xper FD20/20 Onsite

    Clinical Education Program for Allura Systems:

    Handover OnSite Education: Philips Education Specialists will provide twenty-eight hours of education for up to four students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary. Students should attend all 28...

    • Instructor-led

  13. Course

    Anatomie Cardiaque TDM

    Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances sur les quatre cavités du cœur, les valves du cœur, les principales artères et branches coronaires et les variantes normales.

    Il s'agit d'un cours d'apprentissage en ligne qui comprend une activité d'apprentissage interactive en...

    • eLearning

  14. Course

    Anatomie für die Herz-CT

    Diese Schulung soll Ihr Wissen über das Herzscannen im Zusammenhang mit iPatient-Scannern erweitern.

    Dies ist eine dynamische pädagogische Erfahrung, die Ihr Herzwissen aufbaut und Ihnen hilft, es zu behalten. Während dieses Kurses verwenden wir verschiedene Methoden, um Sie zu engagieren...

    • eLearning

  15. Course

    Anatomía cardíaca en TC

    Este entrenamiento está diseñado para aumentar su conocimiento de las 4 cámaras del corazón, las válvulas del corazón, las arterias coronarias principales y sus ramas y variantes normales.

    Este es un curso de aprendizaje en línea que incluye actividades interactivas que tienen la...

    • eLearning

  16. Course

    AutoSTRAIN eLearning

    AutoSTRAIN eLearning provides simple and fast LV GLS through Auto View Recognition and labeling, Auto Contour Placement and fast speckle tracking. This self-paced course will review the features and workflow of the AutoSTRAIN tool.

    Subscription: Access unlimited eLearning...

    • eLearning

  17. Course

    Basi Cardio per TC

    Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione cardiaca associata agli scanner iPatient.

    • eLearning

  18. Course

    Cardiac Clinical 3-Day with iPatient Scanners Course

    This course delivers a dynamic educational experience that not only builds on your system knowledge, but helps you retain it. This onsite interactive session intends to assist you in cardiac imaging at your facility. Your applications specialist will work with your clinical team to review and...

    • Instructor-led

  19. Course

    Cardiac CT Level A Course - Egypt


    A 3 ½ day program which takes you from understanding the basics of CT Cardiac anatomy and pathology to the performance and interpretation of Cardiac CTA. Topics covered include tips, tricks and pitfalls, patient management, extra cardiac findings, scan protocols, calcium scoring, basic physics...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  20. Course

    Cardiac CT Level A Course: Hungary

    The use of Multi-Detector CT (MDCT) for the diagnosis of various cardiac diseases has become increasingly important in recent years. This is mainly due to the introduction of high performance cardiac CT scanners to routine clinical use. Cardiac CT is a robust tool for the assessment of the...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  21. Course

    Cardiac CT Level B Course: The Netherlands

    Intensive 4½ day course for Cardiologists and Radiologists with previous experience in cardiac CTA. When taken with the Level A course, it is sufficient for Level II  SCCT accreditation.

    The program focuses on the management of more complex cases , e.g. bypass and stent imaging. A hundred...

    • Peer-to-Peer Workshop

  22. Course

    CardioMD Initial Training

    Philips Clinical Education Specialists will provide twenty-four (24) hours of OnSite Education for up to four (4) students, selected by customer, including technologists from night/weekend shifts if necessary and two physicians. The first four (4) hours onsite will be spent configuring new...

    • Instructor-led

  23. Course

    CT Calcium Scoring

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of Calcium Scoring scanning and post processing associated with iPatient and Incisive scanners.

    This is a dynamic educational experience that builds your calcium scoring knowledge and helps you to retain it. During this course, we use...

    • eLearning

  24. Course

    CT Cardiac Anatomy

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of the four chambers of the heart, the valves of the heart, the Main Coronary Arteries and branches and normal variants.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and assessment intended to...

    • eLearning

  25. Course

    CT Cardiac Essentials

    This is an online learning course that includes interactive online learning activities intended to increase your knowledge of Cardiac scanning associated with iPatient scanners.

    • eLearning

  26. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Cardiac Package

    A group of four E-learning courses that provide CT cardiac-centric clinical knowledge:

    CT Cardiac Essentials: Describes the techniques for cardiac imaging on CT scanners. Details of all the acquisition and reconstruction methods to achieve the best diagnostic image...

    • eLearning

  27. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Herz-Paket

    Eine Gruppe von vier E-Learning-Kursen, die klinisches Wissen über CT-Herzerkrankungen vermitteln:

    Anatomie für die Herz-CT: Diese Schulung soll Ihr Wissen über das Herzscannen im Zusammenhang mit iPatient-Scannern erweitern.


    • eLearning

  28. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Pacchetto cardiaco

    Un gruppo di quattro corsi di e-learning che forniscono conoscenze cliniche cardiache CT:

    Basi Cardio per TC: Questo corso ha lo scopo di aumentare la conoscenza della scansione cardiaca associata agli scanner iPatient.

    Anatomia Cardiaca per TC: ...

    • eLearning

  29. Curriculum

    CT eLearning: Paquete cardíaco

    Un grupo de cuatro cursos de aprendizaje en línea que brindan conocimientos clínicos centrados en el corazón de la TC:

    Fundamentos  de TC Cardíaca: Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento sobre la exploración cardíaca asociada con los escáneres...

    • eLearning

  30. Curriculum

    CT eLearning : Trousse de cardiologie

    Un groupe de quatre cours d’apprentissage en ligne qui fournissent des connaissances cliniques centrées sur la tomodensitométrie cardiaque :

    L’Essentiel en Cardiologie en TDM: Cette formation est destinée à accroître vos connaissances en matière de scanner cardiaque...

    • eLearning

  31. Curriculum

    CT eLearning:心臟套餐

    一組四門在線學習課程,提供以 CT 心臟為中心的臨床知識:

    心脏CT扫描要点: 本培训旨在增加您对iPatient扫描仪相关的心脏扫描知识。这是一个动态的教育体验,可以建立您的心脏知识,并帮助你保留它。在本课程中,我们将使用各种方法来吸引您,并帮助您了解心脏扫描。在本课程中,使用了几种类型的材料来鼓励学习,包括:演示文稿、视频和评估

    CT 心脏解剖学: 本培训旨在增加你对心脏的四个腔室、心脏的瓣膜、冠状动脉主干及分支和正常变体的了解。这是一个在线学习课程,包括交互式在线学习活动和评估,...

    • eLearning

  32. Curriculum

    CT eラーニング:心臓パッケージ


    Philips CT 心臓CTコース(基礎): このコースはiPatientに関連した心臓イメージングに関して学習するコースです。

    Philips CT 心臓CTコース(解剖): このコースは、心臓の解剖(4つの部屋、弁、冠動脈とブランチとその正常変異)に関する知識の習得を目的としたインタラクティブなオンライン学習コースで

    Philips CT 心臓CTコース(カルシウムスコアリング):...

    • eLearning

  33. Course

    CT Imaging and Anatomy of the Heart Virtual

    Didactic lectures conducted in a virtual classroom setting on a Philips iPatient CT scanner and simulator. The course topics include but are not limited to: cardiac anatomy and the various cardiac scanning modes, followed by limited post processing of the coronary vessels.

    • Blended

  34. Course

    CT Trans Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)

    This training is intended to introduce the basics of Trans Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) including an overview on how to scan prior to a TAVI procedure, how to perform TAVI measurements, and an overview of the sizing and types of valves used in TAVI and the anatomy of the aortic valve and...

    • eLearning

  35. Course

    CT Transkatheter-Aortenklappenimplantation (TAVI)

    Diese Schulung soll die Grundlagen der Transkatheter-Aortenklappenimplantation (TAVI) einführen, einschließlich eines Überblicks über das Scannen vor einem TAVI-Verfahren, die Durchführung von TAVI-Messungen und einen Überblick über die Größe und Arten von Klappen, die bei TAVI verwendet werden...

    • eLearning

  36. Course

    CT 心脏解剖学

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of the four chambers of the heart, the valves of the heart, the Main Coronary Arteries and branches and normal variants.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and assessment intended to...

    • eLearning

  37. Course


    本培训旨在介绍经主动脉瓣植入术 (TAVI) 的基础知识,包括概述如何在 TAVI 手术前进行扫描、如何进行 TAVI 测量,以及概述 TAVI 中使用的瓣膜的尺寸和类型以及主动脉瓣和冠状动脉尖的解剖结构。


    • eLearning

  38. Course



    本培训旨在增加您对与 iPatient 和 Incisive 扫描仪相关的钙评分扫描和扫描后处理的了解。



    • eLearning

  39. Course

    Echocardiographic Guidance in HOCM


    Alcohol septal ablation (ASA) has become an alternative to surgical myectomy in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy since it was first introduced in 1994 by Sigwart. The procedure alleviates symptoms by producing a limited infarction of the upper interventricular septum, resulting in a...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  40. Course

    Echocardiography: Measuring up to Standards, Cardiac Mechanics

    This course focuses on echocardiographic measurements according to established standards. The topics include quantification of valvular stenosis and regurgitation, performance of cardiac chamber measurements and myocardial performance both systolic and diastolic.    

    This course is part...

    • eLearning

  41. Course

    Echocardiography: Measuring up to Standards, Chamber Quantification

    During this course we will review the recommended process for quantification the chambers of the heart. Some consider the assessment of cardiac chamber size and function as the foundation of echocardiography. Advancements in imaging such as 3D, Speckle tracking to mention a few, have changed the...

    • eLearning

  42. Course

    Echocardiography: Measuring up to Standards, Valvular Quantification

    This module will present examples of both correct and incorrect measurements, describing the characteristics of a good measurement and why another measurement is poor. During this course we will review the recommended process for quantification of valvular stenosis and regurgitation.


    • eLearning

  43. Course

    EPIQ 3D University Essentials Congenital Edition


    This two-day course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Live 3D echocardiography for physicians and cardiac sonographers who are new 3D users.

    This course provides a spectrum of situations both physicians and sonographers can use and reference. By increasing familiarity with...

    • Instructor-led

  44. Course

    Evaluación del Score de Calcio en CT

    La evaluación del calcio es un examen de CT utilizado para detectar depósitos de calcio en las arterias coronarias, por lo tanto, es utilizado para evaluar el riesgo de enfermedad de arteria coronaria.

    Este curso busca incrementar su conocimiento en la adquisición de la evaluación de...

    • eLearning

  45. Course

    Evaluation and treatment of Rheumatic heart disease and Severe Mitral Annular calcification for Mitral Stenosis


    There has been a gradual transition in the epidemiology of mitral stenosis (MS) in the Western world, with rheumatic disease in rapid decline and increasing recognition of degenerative mitral annular calcification (MAC)–related MS in the elderly. While valvuloplasty remains a well-known...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  46. Course

    Evaluation of Prosthetic heart valves


    Compared to native valves, echocardiographic evaluation of prosthetic heart valves (PHV) is certainly more complex, both for the examination and the interpretation. In clinical practice, a comprehensive approach that integrates several parameters of valve morphology and function assessed with 2D...

    • Instructor-led Webinar

  47. Course

    Factors affecting CTA examinations

    This training is intended to increase your knowledge of topics of concern when performing CT Angiogram (CTA) studies.

    This is an online learning course that includes an interactive online learning activity and an assessment.

    • eLearning

  48. Course

    Fundamentos de TC Cardíaca

    Esta capacitación está destinada a aumentar su conocimiento sobre la exploración cardíaca asociada con los escáneres iPatient.

    Esta es una experiencia educativa dinámica que desarrolla su conocimiento cardíaco y lo ayuda a retenerlo. Durante este curso, utilizamos varios métodos para...

    • eLearning

  49. Course

    IGT Webinar: Vascular Interventional Registry Review

    VI Registry Review

    This course will assist in studying for the Vascular Interventional post-primary exam from the ARRT.   This self-guided course is designed for Registered Radiologic Technologists currently working in a lab, or surgical environment, with a strong foundation of the topics discussed.  There are no...

    • eLearning

  50. Course

    Imaging of the left atrial appendage.


    The LAA is the most common site of thrombus formation in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. In nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, percutaneous LAA occlusion/exclusion is an alternative method of thromboembolism prevention for patients who are either ineligible for or too high risk to receive...

    • Instructor-led Webinar